The Surprising Role of Myofunctional Therapy in Creating Better Health and Relationships

health & wellness oral systemic connection patient care & experience proper breathing snoring

In the world of dentistry and oral health, there’s a hidden realm that goes beyond the routine checkups and cleanings.

Myofunctional therapy, a modality akin to physical therapy for the mouth, holds the key to unraveling the intricate connections between oral function, airway issues, and overall well-being.

Let’s dive into the key takeaways from a fascinating conversation with Kayla Keep, a registered dental hygienist and myofunctional therapist, as she shares valuable insights on how understanding the oral cavity on a deeper level can transform lives.


Awareness is Key

Dental team members play a crucial role in identifying oral manifestations of myofunctional disorders and sleep issues. Recognizing signs such as high-vaulted palates, occlusal wear, or scalloped tongues can be the first step toward providing additional support for patients’ health and well-being.


Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional therapy, much like physical therapy, focuses on establishing proper oral function. From promoting nasal breathing to craniofacial growth and development, this therapy aims to optimize breathing, rest posture, and chewing/swallowing patterns.


Jaw Jutting and Compensatory Movements

Jaw jutting is a compensation mechanism for inadequate airway size or suboptimal oral function. Kayla sheds light on how the lower jaw’s forward movement can be linked to issues like low tongue posture or insufficient airway growth.


Facial Tension and Its Ramifications

There is a connection between inadequate oral function and facial tension. Compensatory muscle use can lead to issues like ear fullness, tinnitus, TMJ problems, and neck and shoulder tension.


Chewing, Swallowing, and Therapy

Myofunctional therapy serves as a starting point to establish proper chewing and swallowing patterns. Therapy can strengthen tongue function, which should be considered before more invasive interventions like tongue tie releases.


Addressing Sleep Apnea

Myofunctional therapy can play a crucial role in reducing the severity of sleep apnea. By training the tongue and other muscles in the oropharyngeal area, it helps keep the airway open during sleep, decreasing the frequency and intensity of apnea episodes.

This not only leads to better sleep quality but also lowers the risk of associated health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, and daytime fatigue. Consequently, individuals undergoing this therapy often experience a marked improvement in their overall health and daily functioning.


Snoring and Its Impact on Relationships and Quality of Life

The disruptive nature of snoring can strain intimate relationships, often leading to frustration and sleep disturbances for partners. This can result in separate sleeping arrangements, reducing emotional and physical intimacy. Myofunctional therapy, by potentially alleviating snoring, can help restore peaceful nights, enhancing closeness and improving the overall emotional bond between partners.


Never Too Late to Learn and Change

Embrace the wisdom that it’s never too late to learn something new or change your perspective. Kayla’s journey from general dentistry to myofunctional therapy serves as a testament to the power of continuous learning.


Collaborative Approach for Holistic Health

There is a need for collaboration among various healthcare professionals, including dentists, orthodontists, therapists, and bodyworkers. A holistic approach is essential to address oral and airway issues comprehensively.


Overall Health and Sleep Connection

Quality sleep is fundamental to maintaining optimal health and well-being. During sleep, the body undergoes vital processes such as tissue repair, muscle growth, and the consolidation of memories. It’s also a time when the digestive system processes the day’s intake and rejuvenates itself.

Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in regulating mood, cognitive functions, and even metabolic health.

The restorative power of sleep cannot be overstated; it’s during these crucial hours that the body and mind reset and recharge, laying the foundation for a healthy, active, and productive life. Neglecting sleep can lead to a host of health issues, underscoring the importance of addressing sleep disorders like snoring and sleep apnea for overall well-being.


Practical Advice for Dental Teams

Actively screen for oral manifestations related to myofunctional disorders and sleep issues. Even if specific interventions aren’t provided, recognizing and referring cases for additional support is paramount.


Holistic Approach to Health

The holistic approach to health recognizes that our bodies are complex systems where each part is interlinked with the others.

Oral health, often overlooked, is a vital component of this system. Issues in oral function, including those related to the airway, can have far-reaching effects on overall health.

For instance, problems like sleep apnea or habitual snoring, stemming from poor oral functionality, can impact not just sleep quality but also cardiovascular health, mental well-being, and even metabolic processes.

Myofunctional therapy shines a light on this interconnectedness.

By focusing on improving oral and facial muscle function, it addresses the root causes of these issues, leading to widespread health benefits. Patients often find that by enhancing their oral health, they experience improvements in sleep quality, reduction in stress levels, better digestion, and even improved posture and breathing.

Myofunctional therapy opens doors to a deeper understanding of how oral health impacts our lives. It’s a reminder that our bodies are intricately connected, and by unlocking the secrets to better oral function, we pave the way for enhanced overall health and well-being.


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