Why Do Dental Assistants Love Their Job?

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Why Do Dental Assistants Love Their Job?


“Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” – Confucius


Dental assistants are employed all over the world and are considered the glue in every dental practice. But aside from having a rewarding career, why do dental assistants love their job? 

Dental Assistants Love the Caring Culture at Work

Stress, whether good or bad, is a part of every profession. Dental assisting is no different. But dental assistants enjoy the level of support and comfort they get from the rest of the team.

Dental practices that operate as a team create a caring culture and atmosphere at the workplace where everyone feels valued and supported.

They Never Have a Dull Moment

Dental assistants are the glue of the dental practice, with patients turning to them for answers to their questions, oral healthcare education, and more. They assist dentists with a wide variety of dental procedures throughout the workday.

They perform additional duties that include but are not limited to sterilizing dental instruments, ordering supplies, and preparing treatment rooms.

Dental assistants also arrange and confirm appointments, collect patient data, greet patients in the reception area and over the phone, and so much more!

They Enjoy Great Pay

Dental assistants can expect competitive pay and benefits. According to the US BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, dental assistants earned a $38,660 median annual wage in May 2021, with over 50% of the employees in dental assisting earning more than this amount. The highest 10% of dental assistants earned at least $59,540 in the US in 2021.

The Future is Bright

Annually, the demand for dental assistants is expected to grow by eight percent through the year 2031.

The field of dental assisting is rapidly expanding and becoming a popular career choice for many individuals. There are several factors contributing to this growth, including the aging population, advances in technology, and an increased focus on preventive care.

As the baby boomer generation continues to age, there is a higher demand for dental services. This means that more dental assistants are needed to help meet this growing demand. Additionally, as new technologies emerge within dentistry such as digital imaging and CAD/CAM systems, it has become imperative for dental practices to hire qualified assistants who can operate these tools efficiently. As a result, there is an increasing demand for trained professionals who have experience with these technologies.

Another factor driving the expansion of the field of dental assisting is the shift toward preventive care. More patients are seeking regular check-ups and cleanings rather than waiting until they have significant oral health issues.

Dental Assistants Enjoy Job Flexibility

Dental assistants enjoy employment opportunities in different settings, like government offices, hospitals, and private dental clinics. They may also choose to teach or engage in research jobs.

Dental assistants can also take temporary jobs to fill in any staff shortage or part-time jobs when they need to balance their personal life and career.

Moreover, they might be able to switch from one role to another, including administrative, reception, or chairside assisting.


Be a MORE Confident Dental Assistant


If you're contemplating becoming a dental assistant, prepare and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills you need to stand out and become a more confident dental assistant.


Dental Assisting Made Easy is a comprehensive online training course to help you excel as a dental assistant.





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