$197.00 USD

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Dental Assisting Made Easy Training Course


✔️ 12 TRAINING MODULES: Each module includes a high-quality video lesson that will take you from complete newbie to knowledgeable and confident. (VALUE $3600)

✔️ PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP: You'll receive exclusive access to our private Facebook community where you can interact with Dr. Lawson-Myers and your peers. You can ask questions, discuss coursework, trade ideas, buddy up with an accountability partner, and much more. (VALUE $299)

✔️ QUIZZES: Complete an online quiz after each lesson to reinforce your learning and review key concepts. (VALUE $199)

✔️ CERTIFICATE: A certificate will be granted upon successful completion of the course. (VALUE $199)

✔️ PROGRESS REPORTS: Monthly progress reports can be provided, if requested. (VALUE $99)

✔️ BONUS: You will receive PDF training manuals for all modules. (VALUE $1188)

✔️ BONUS: A total of three exclusive 1-hour Live training webinars with Dr. Lawson-Myers. (VALUE $1500)


What People Are Saying:

I knew nothing about dentistry. I was like a blank book. But with the teaching that I got from Dr. Lawson-Myers, who by the way makes teaching fun and exciting, I was able to learn a lot. And now I can proudly say I can do just about every and anything. I do recommend this to anyone who wants a career in the field of Dental Assistant.

Diana, Snr Dental Asst.